¿Qué es la hierba luisa?

What is lemon verbena?

Lemon verbena, whose scientific name is Cymbopogon citratus, should not be confused with lemon verbena (in Ecuador lemon verbena is another medicinal herb), which is how it is known in certain South American areas such as Argentina. It is native to India, Ceylon and Malaysia although it is currently cultivated throughout the world.

It also receives names such as lemon grass, cane lemon balm, limonaria, lemongrass, due to its strong lemon accent, which is why it is also widely used in gastronomy and as a component of perfumes.

Lemon verbena: properties and benefits

The organic components that this aromatic plant has give it a series of properties that translate into these main benefits:

  • Antioxidant: Lemon verbena helps combat oxidative stress and prevent aging and some diseases. Most of the organic compounds it contains are antioxidants, but camphene is especially important.
  • Digestive and carminative: Components of lemon verbena such as limonene and caryophyllene help reduce flatulence.
  • Antibacterial: Citral, another of its components, improves the response of the immune system by increasing the production of white blood cells.
  • Anti-inflammatory: Most of the organic compounds in lemon verbena have anti-inflammatory power, which makes it a natural pain reliever to relieve minor pain.
  • Insomnia: Thanks to its melatonin content, lemon verbena helps combat insomnia and control nerves.
  • Expectorant: Camphene and terpene facilitate the elimination of mucus from the respiratory system in mild cases of bronchitis and colds. (YO)



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